Thursday, 3 May 2012

Reaching the end

Hi everyone!
We're almost at the end of our fabulous project!! this week we're sending the last parcel. All of them have been great, but this one will be very special as it is the last one. We have a special place in our school to show all the art works we receive from Brest and Prostejov, i'm sure it will be even better than the last year's!
In a couple of weeks some of the teachers will meet in Prostejov, we're very excited about it! we'll take a lot of pictures for all the students to see.
So be ready for the final countdown!
Lots of hugs and kisses from Sabadell!

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Happy new year from Brest!!
Bonne année de Brest!!

It's the last day to do it and we do it!!!!

Sorry sorry sorry , we're so late for everything!!! The french team has forgotten to write its newsletter for a very long time but don't worry we still alive!!!!
And we think of you everyday (true, true)!! We're preparing the second (and the third) parcel about our region and our town, all the pypical things that we have in Brittany (and we've got plenty of : dances, songs, food, language...). Of course the four lucky teachers who will discover Jana's country, speak all the time about the trip!! (the others are so jealous, it's so good!!). Two teachers will come by train (26 hours but so good for the Earth!!!) and the two others by plane (8 hours).
We're learning the both vocabulary send by you. We must admit that learning Checz is more delicate : we repeat, we repeat, we repeat,and forget, forget, forget and repeat, and repeat and forget ...
But we will ready, don't worry!!

Kisses kisses
your friends from Brest

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Gretings from Sabadell

Hi there our dearest friends!
How are you after the Xmas holidays? We're working hard again and wishing to know about both of your schools once more.
We've been practicing Checz and French and we must admit that we're having some problems with the Checz, specially in saying "thursday" hehe.
The Catalan teachers who will go to Prostejov in May are very excited about the trip and about seeing your school as we did in Brest.
So regards to all teachers and students of Brest and Prostejov.
Your friends from Sabadell.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011


Hello from Prostejov,

the weather here still looks like late summer but we could only wish it was.

We had Czech National Holiday last week which was really great to take a break so now we are full of energy and ready to start on our next parcel. We are expecting some new phrases, names of days, months and school subjects - this could be the most interesting topic for our children.
Children are looking forward to any other information about living in France and Spain.

We still have our exhibit too and we will send you some pictures.

It really doesn't look like it but Christmas is coming up very quickly. Have you started your Christmas shopping yet? We need ideas!

Hope all is well!

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.