Sunday, 27 February 2011

The Spanish newsletter

Hello everybody from Sabadell. How are you?
What's the weather like in your countries? Is it cold? Here, in Sabadell, we had some "hot" days, last week. But it seems that, the next week, the weather will be cold again.

We apologize for writing this newsletter a little bit late, but we are very busy preparing our "Cultural Days" for the next week (to be precise, for the next Wednesday, Thursday and Friday). We are preparing different activities related to the Spanish Art, since the time when the first humans lived in caves, like in Altamira (Cantabria - Spain), until the 20th century, when we can find some famous Spanish artists like Pablo Picasso and Eduardo Chillida. As you can imagine, it is impossible to see all the Spanish Art in only three days, but we only have the intention of giving our pupils a small overview of some artistic and cultural expressions of the Spanish Art. Some of the different works that they will make during the "Cultural Days", will be part of the 3rd. parcel (about Art) we have to send in May.

However, our Comenius Team are preparing the material for the 2nd. parcel. We are choosing the words for the vocabulary related to the new topics and the pictures for the flashcards. But we will finish this work after the "white week" (a holiday week) that we will have from the 5th until the 13th of March.

By the way, we have a new postman for the next delivery of the second parcels. Her name is Sarah and you can meet and listen to her on the right column of our Comenius Blog.

And I think that's all for now. We hope you'll have a nice time.
Our best wishes for you from Sabadell.

School Joan Sallarès i Pla

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

greetins from Prostějov

Hallo everybody, we've just celebrated Valentine' Day, so we wish you much love forever ! But in our country, this day is not so important for many people, because its tradition is not very long. Some older people still prefere The Women's Day, widely celebrated in communist times. And it's in March, when spring beginns.And because this year¨s winter has been quite unpleasant, we look forward to warmer and sunnier weather .Our Comenius team is starting to prepare materials for the next parcels these days. Colours, numbers, Easter - nice topics, aren't they? I'm sure our pupils will like them and so yours. So have a nice time, love Hana.

Monday, 14 February 2011

The first french letter in 2011

Bonjour, bonjour

It’s under the rain that the French team tell you : hello , how are you?

Since January, everything has been fine.

The weather is a bit wet but not cold at all. The pupils can play football on the playground.

The two Freds’ forms has started to go to the swimming pool twice a week (on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons). This “aqua” project will take over at Easter.
Usually, we used to go once a week during all the year but the swimming pool’s boss has decided to try something new. Less weeks (just a term) but as much lessons as last year. So we wear our swim suits and learn how to become a mermaid.

Since January, all the school has got the chance and the pleasure to have two new teachers for the term.
The first one is American and he teaches in nursery school English songs.
The second is French and she teaches music in each form. Nursery rhymes and rhythms’ discovery for the nursery school. In the primary school, she has discovered songs chosen by the teachers. All these songs have got the name of a French town in the title and they have to be sung for our marvelous Comenius partners!! She teaches them to our lovely pupils. Most of these songs are very famous, so at home parents and grandparents repeat them too.

The gardener came last Friday to give us advices about our small gardens. The French team will have to find time to work on , like planting, sowing, weeding (not to confuse with William’s wedding ahaha!!!).

We’ve forgotten to tell you how delicious was the food found in the parcels : biscuits, nougat, and so on. Thank you, thank you.

We’re working on the vocabulary parcel to be ready in time (the 25th March). We will be on holidays (again) in two weeks and for two weeks. We will back school the 14th March.

In wait of news , we wish you plenty beautiful things!!

The French team